Friday, June 11, 2010

Imagining a Feminist Future

Fantasy is not the opposite of reality; it is what reality forecloses. […] Fantasy is what allows us to imagine ourselves and others otherwise; it establishes the possible in excess of the real; it points elsewhere, and when it is embodied, it brings that elsewhere home. ~Judith Butler

There are different ways of imagining a feminist future:
  1. We can imagine a future world by focusing on the best and most ideal world possible, based on what we know about the past and present.
  2. We can imagine a future world by asking ourselves ethical, critical, & responsible questions.
  3. We can create programs and projects as a concrete means toward eliminating inequalities and injustices.
  4. We can think about and explore how we live in an imperfect world and how we struggle to negotiate norms, ideology, power, violence, and injustice.
Despite our method of “Imagining a Feminist Future”, we must always:
  1. Recognize our own power and privilege, as well as our own limitations and marginalization.
  2. Understand why and how “difference” matters.
  3. Create local and global links and coalitions for we can no longer be satisfied with just our own identities, positions and experiences in the world.
(Inderpal Grewal & Caren Kaplan)

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