How might we begin to take steps that further our personal understanding of the issues raised by I Live Here – and our place in the world in relation to them. Because contextualizing is a useful tool in developing this kind of understanding, here are your extra-credit blogging options. Choose ONE.
1. How do Susan Davis’ “Contested Terrain,” Angela Davis’ “Reproductive Rights,” and/or the National Latina Health Organization’s “Norplant Information Sheet” connect and illustrate that an intersectional approach to gender matters when analyzing women’s health care and reproductive freedoms. How are the “local” gendered issues raised in these essays connected to the “global” gendered issues raised in the “Malawi” notebook from I Live Here?
2. Because “Malawi” makes us aware that there are already Malawian projects/activism in place that are designed to “help communities care for themselves” and because we want to avoid "the dangers of a single story," conduct an online search for feminist/human rights work/activism occurring on a local and/or grassroots level in Malawi. Detail how your search results nuance/impact one issue, theme, or concern that the “Malawi” notebook raises. Please embed a link to the research that you found.
3. Sometimes when we read, we experience frustration, resistance, or moments of pause because we don’t understand a reading. We might feel that we are “missing something” or that there is a “gap” in our reading. Conduct an online search on one gap that you experienced as you read the “Malawi” notebook from I Live Here. Then, detail how this research allows you to better understand one theme, issue, or concern that the “Malawi” notebook presents. Please embed a link to the research that you found.
This post must be submitted before class on Thursday, June 10. It must be approximately 500 words with at least one in-text citation. If you choose option #2 or #3, you must embed the link to your source. You will also be asked to share your findings in class. Worth up to 50 points.
Chimamanda Adichie's
"The Danger of a Single Story"
(thanks Brittany)
"The Danger of a Single Story"
(thanks Brittany)
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